Thursday, April 14, 2011

under the couch cushion

So you know how when you lose something really important, or maybe even something unimportant, the first place that you look is…. that's right, folks, it's under the couch cushion. Now, I know it's not all hidden gems in there, but amidst the debris of loose change, dog hair, jolly rancher wrappers from 1998, and, yes, trapped farts, you are bound to find something that you've been searching for, or even something that you didn't even realize you had lost. Case in point: my brother found my step-mom's brother's wallet trapped in our family couch a couple of years ago. The funny thing was that the license in the wallet had expired 15 years ago. Did we know it was missing? Of course not. Was it probably a big pain in the you-know-what to replace everything in it? You know it was.

So my point is this: though there is every bit of randomness and detritus that most closely resembles a geriatric candy dish (so that's where I left my unwrapped Werther's Originals, keys to the 1988 Ford Taurus, and buttons from garments that have long been donated to Goodwill!) hidden inside the bowels of the most comfortable resting place known to man, i.e., your couch (complete with the perfect impression left by your rear end), there are also some surprises that are sure to remind you that even the smallest things can make your day beautiful. Now that I think about it, under the couch cushion, while being like your grandmother's candy dish (yeah, I know I mentioned it earlier) is also kinda like life, don't you think?

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