I went to the post office to pick up my mystery package that was too important to be left at my door, and was, as usual, cut in line by someone. The cutter was an old man with hearing aids, and I chose to believe that the hearing aids somehow indicated that the man has not only partly lost his ability to hear, but also to realize that someone was there before him. I, as cut-ee, was very proud of myself for being the bigger person.
I received my package and could barely wait to get into my poorly parked car to see what Santa Mail had brought me.... only to open the package and find a size L/XL pair of what I believe are UFC approved fighting armpads. I didn't even know those guys wore armpads. You'd think that with the head bashing and embracing, which is more than a little homo-erotic, that the fighters would have more on their worry list than rug burn on their elbows.
Needless to say, I had not ordered them, and am only assuming that Amazon made a mistake, if, in fact the mystery fighting equipment was sent from Amazon.... which is still my favorite online shopping site even though they were a bit off their game today. I hope there's not someone out there who has burned elbows because I have their stuff. I feel like finding out the intended recipient and sending them some aloe vera gel. Or perhaps a fruit cake.
LOL! Whatever, you're a secret fighter.