Friday, July 29, 2011

My Prius is Wicked Awesome

I've decided that I'm a hypocrite. I drive a Prius-- OK, laugh it up. And, no, to answer your question, I do not drag race in it. The reason that I'm a hypocrite is that I get very frustrated when people pass me while I'm flying down the interstate. I think that it's assumed that because I drive a small hybrid, that I must also be 175 years old and incapable of driving over 20 mph. Sometimes I like to gun my tiny cylinders into gear and leave those suckers in the dust.

While I resent the assumption that my car goes no faster than a jumped-up golf cart, I very much love the fact that cops seem to automatically give me a pass on speeding tickets. The same annoying assumption about my slowness works in my favor, in that the police are too proud to pull me over with their fancy cars or motorcycles when they feel that they could just as easily pull me over while riding their kid's tri-cycle.

So, there you have it.... I'm a hypocrite. I hope I didn't just jinx myself into earning an as of yet avoided speeding ticket. But, you have to admit, I'll look wicked awesome gunning my Prius up to high gear while earning that ticket.